Saturday, August 1, 2009


Rocky, Romi, and I went to see Beau the Wednesday after his surgery. He was doing great. He was in a little/a lot of pain but he was still able to talk and joke with us. He looked wonderful, considering what he had just gone through.

His face was swollen and he had a black eye from all of the trauma to his head. He had to keep this cap on to cover up the majority of his incision but there was a little poking through the bottom. It starts at his ear and goes around his head all the way to the middle of his forehead. It is in the shape of a large question mark.

I cannot believe how great Beau is doing and, more importantly, neither can his doctors. As I am writing this post, on Saturday August 1st, Beau is at home and in his own bed. He went straight from the ICU at UW to his own bed. Can you believe it? He was so determined to go home yesterday that he even got up and walked around (with help from a walker). They weren't sure if he was even going to be able to walk or if he was going to have to have a lot of physical therapy. Well, he surprised everybody. Four days after brain surgery he was walking and wanting to go home. The drainage tube was removed from his head on Friday and they let him go home. I am so proud of him. It is going to be a long road but Beau is so strong and determined to recover quickly that he is surprising everyone.

You are an inspiration to us all Beau. Way to fight!

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