Saturday, April 18, 2009


Gunnar had his first t-ball game of the season.
Before every game the two opposing teams have to go out on the field, take off their hats, and say the Little League Pledge.
Little League Pledge
I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best!

Gunnar played shortstop...for a moment...until he had to go to the bathroom.Gunnar has been practicing hitting and fielding. He is doing a great job. He was so excited to hit.

John is in Texas so he couldn't make his first game. I didn't want him to miss anything though.
It was freezing and extremely windy. The sun was shining though so I shouldn't complain.
Gunnar got a great hit and made it all around the score a run.
Here he is on 3rd base.

Great game Gunnar. You are a wonderful baseball player.

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