Monday, December 8, 2008

"Oh Christmas Tree"

John thought it would be a great idea if we went to one of the local tree stands to find our Christmas tree this year. I told him they were going to be way expensive. I was right. The cheapest tree we found was very ugly and $39. We searched and searched. The man who ran the shop gave the boys candy canes so I felt a little bad when we left the stand empty handed. The only trees that were halfway decent were $69.Off to The Home Depot...Searching...

Coby liked this one.
The perfect tree and only...
$19.95...that's what I'm talking about!

Helping dad tie down the tree. We missed you Chance.
Chance was at his friends birthday party.


Auntie Romi said...

I love it. This one made me laugh out loud! Your tree is beautiful! PS Chance is too old, I can't take it.

Deon said...

Good Old Home Depot that is the only place we bought our one real one before this year. Can't beat the price!!! Your tree is really nice