Friday, June 12, 2009

Portland, Here We Come

We were on our way to yet another one of Coby's basketball tournaments. Grandpa had a great idea and asked if Gunnar could stay with them over the weekend. Lucas was going to be there so we knew he would have a much better time at grandma's house then at a dozen basketball games. Gunnar was so excited when we asked him if he would rather stay there instead of going to Portland. I wasn't sure. We had hyped up Portland hoping that Gunnar wouldn't dread it but when we asked about grandma's house there was no hesitation. I knew I would miss him but I knew he would have a much better time. So, we dropped off Gunnar and got on the road headed for Oregon.

Dorks...all of us!!As we were driving I happened to look over and see this police car. I thought nothing of it until I noticed where it was from.La Push!

You can imagine my excitement when I realized we were driving next to someone who was probably related to Jacob Black. Those of you who do not know who Jacob Black is...where have you been? Go pick up the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and start reading. You will not be disappointed.The police officer did, in fact, look a lot like Jacob.

I am sure he was from the same tribe. ;o)

Jacob Black as portrayed by Taylor Lautner in the Twilight film.
First appearance
Created by
Stephenie Meyer
Portrayed by
Taylor Lautner
Date of birth
High school student

and being HOT!
La Push, WA, USA

The drive to Portland was beautiful. We saw a ton of hawks and a few different eagle's nests. We were only able to spot one eagle in one of the nests. Fascinating though!

1 comment:

Deon said...

Looks like you had a great trip!