See #34 (Coby #87) on our team? Well, that is Sam. She is the only girl on the team and she is, by far, the best player. She is soooo good!! She is in every play of every game. She has never come out because she is so good that we can never afford to have her off the field. She isn't afraid to get hurt and she has had more sacks than anyone on the team. And, to top it all off...she is beautiful. Coby would never admit it but I think he may have a little crush. Don't tell him I told you!

O.K. mind you, Gunnar had already been to one baseball game and now we were at Coby's football game. He was getting really bored. I decided to give him my camera so he could entertain himself for a while. That he did. He took about 5o pictures. Here are just a few.
He is actually a pretty good photographer.
Let me explain the TEETH...We bought some of those little chocolate gem doughnuts for Chance earlier in the day and we had a few left for me and Gunnar. I could tell I had some chocolate in my teeth but I couldn't get it out. I asked Gunnar if he saw chocolate and he said "no" but I didn't quite believe him. I didn't have a mirror and I doubted there was a mirror in the honey bucket. (I wouldn't have gone in it anyway.) Gunnar said, "mom, why don't I take a picture of your teeth and then you can see for yourself". I thought that was brilliant. I would have never thought of that. Now I know, however, that I need to get my teeth whitened. Thanks Gunn!
His "flame" boots!
So funny.