1. I love my family with a fierceness I never knew was possible.
2. There is a little man that celebrated his birthday in August who I think about every day. I wish I could meet him. I hope he is happy.
3. I miss my 2 aunts who are up in heaven.
4. I love music. Especially country music. I love the stories.
5. I have some of the best friends in the world who have changed my life forever and I love them with my whole heart.
6. I have an amazingly strong husband.
7. I love to read.
8. I love going to the movies.
9. I love horses.
10. I wish I wasn't afraid to sing in front of people.
11. I wish I could still draw like I used to.
12. I really think I would be a great nurse.
13. I love buying Christmas presents.
14. My favorite church song is A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief. I cry every time I hear it.
15. My favorite primary songs are A Child's Prayer and Families Can Be Together Forever.
16. Survivor is so good.
17. The best sound in the world is my children's laughter.
18. I LOVE Bon Jovi.
19. I love my mom and I wish I could be more like her. Now that I am a mom I know how much she loves me.
20. My kids take my breath away every time I see them.
21. John makes me laugh, out loud, at least once a day. It's the best.
22. I never have, but I could eat an entire pan of rice-krispy treats.
23. I don't like to cook. I wish I did.
24. Even though I am 32 I still feel like I am 17.
25. I don't like the smell of the airport.
26. I have broken my leg, my wrist, my elbow and my nose.
27. I love bird watching.
28. I love taking pictures and I wish I had one of those really nice professional camera's.
29. I wish I could have met my grandma. I think we would have been very close.
30. I wish I could feed all the hungry children.
31. I love Lost.
32. I wish I liked to do yard work.
33. I think Coby is going to be a business man one day.
34. I love the way I feel at Christmas time and I love how
everyone says "Merry Christmas" in Hawaii.
35. I love going to my kids games.
36. I don't like taking them to practice.
37. I miss Rocky.
38. I wish my grandpa Hoddie was still alive.
39. I wish I had a cleaning lady.
40. I don't like talking on the phone.
41. I don't like to get gas.
42. I wish I could take someones pain away.
43. I love writing with a purple ballpoint pen and I love sharpies.
44. I wish I had better hair.
45. I could watch monkey's at the zoo all day.
46. I don't like working out.
47. I love UFC and Rich Franklin.
48. I love family vacations.
49. My dad makes me feel happy every time I am around him.
50. I wish I knew my brother better.
51. I love shoes.
52. People with English accents sound more sophisticated.
53. Chance is going to be an amazing dad.
54. I don't like putting the laundry away after I fold it.
55. The gospel is true and I have a strong testimony that I am very grateful for.
56. I hate being fat.
57. I love Coke-a-cola but wish I didn't
58. I love playing sports.
59. I need to start scrapbooking again.
60. John gets more and more gorgeous every day.
61. I don't like it when people are sad.
62. I love vanilla candles.
63. I need to speak my mind more...even though I am getting better at it.
64. What would I do without Gunnar?
65. I love polka dots.
66. I am way to sensitive.
67. I always wanted to be a mom but had no idea how amazing it truly would be.
68. I still can't believe I have a 12 year old.
69. I love interior design.
70. I get a chill every single time I see road kill.
71. I want to adopt a child from Africa someday.
72. I collect crazy socks and Pez dispensers.
73. I wish John's family lived close to us. I miss them.
74. I don't like cats.
75. I wish people weren't so rude.
76. I love road trips and sightseeing.
77. I want to go to Italy.
78. I wish I could play the piano.
79. I love the smell of Oreo cookies...because of the memories.
80. I love playing card and board games and never get tired of playing them.
81. I love waking up and having the sun shining.
82. I want to go to Disneyland again.
83. I love Phantom of the Opera.
84. I am not happy I have found three gray hairs on my head.
85. I don't like vegetables.
86. I don't like getting ready in the morning.
87. I love cheese.
88. I love sleeping in.
89. I love the smell of babies.
90. I am sad I will never have a daughter.
91. I am proud to be an American. As long as we have the resources, we should help.
92. I don't like climbing up my front stairs with groceries.
93. I wish I had a college degree but I don't want to go back to school.
94. I am so lucky.
95. I love Applebee's nachos.
96. I cry every time my kids blow out the candles on their birthday cake.
97. SpongeBob is funny.
98. I love reading poetry and I collect quotes and sayings.
99. I sing in the shower.
100. I miss Aunt Char's fudge and grandma's horrible singing.